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Dark Psychology Secrets Page 3

  If these two seem slightly strenuous, a short walking workout can also provide you with the required dose. In other words, psychologists have a secret to help in keeping the brain in its topmost functioning position and state.

  This can assist you in staying on top of your game. This is regardless of your age.

  Secret 9

  People aren’t as logical as they are. This is demonstrated by the illogic nature of the mind of the human being as presented by psychologists. In social psychology, personality psychology, as well as behavioral economics, it has been discussed that there are several examples of the existent errors in the thought of waves. For instance, everyone understands that to some extent, horoscopes can’t really help in the prediction of the future happenings.

  They also can’t predict the possibilities of something happening in life. Yet, via the Barnum Effect, it has been established that genetic predictions are made from the horoscopes.

  Therefore, the feedback from the magazine quizzes coupled with the mind-reading portfolios plays a role in contributing to the experiments spearheaded by stage magicians.

  The logical abilities are often challenges beyond their recognition by slightly simple tests that need people to use their cognitive skills in seeking the right answers to life’s most challenging questions.

  When it comes to the issue of decision making in life, people are often fooled by the obvious cues, including the size of the plate as well as the color. In the long run, we need to know better. However, we don’t.

  Secret 10

  There is a correlation that can easily equal causation, mainly if the required techniques are applied.

  This is a well-identified fact in the scientific method since it can only be used in various experimental studies that can demonstrate causation.

  The question, what’s really up with the secret? While looking at it, correlational statistics went through a significant retooling a few years back.

  It is, therefore, possible to utilize the sophisticated modeling techniques in performing various miracles such as controlling for confounding variables and drawing arrows that indicate directionality of the effects as well as charting complicated relationships over some period of time.

  It’s factual that correlational studies are always going to be flawed. As such, a correlation of hostility with a person’s blood pressure can easily be conducted by any existing number of intervening variables such as smoking, strained personal relationships, in addition to genetics.

  Also, when a person throws in such variables into some modern statistical program, they may be in a position to overcome the existing correlational studies limitations. It’s also clear that people will never be in a position to manipulate another person’s hostility levels in a social experiment.

  However, it’s possible to successfully improve on the impending issues affecting society by plotting the problem against the other elements that raise personality issues in people.

  Also, it’s vital to note that the next time a person decides to learn the actual results of a correlational study; they may find themselves regarding the findings with some aspect of respect.

  This is as long as the research study has properly been conducted.

  With that said, it’s also important to note that some people actually enjoy such facts of psychology.

  Therefore, if you’ve enjoyed this chapter, feel free to explore other related postings that cite the elements of psychology and their impact on humanity. It’s also vital to look at all the factors of psychology that could be having a direct relationship with dark psychology in the long run.

  These facts can apply to your daily life since they have been studied and proven to have a direct impact on different people’s lives, including how they face different life’s challenges.

  It’s also factual that such issues have a direct impact on people’s ability to make decisions regardless of their life’s situations.

  Therefore, everyone needs to be keen on the issues that affect their daily lives in order to find the underlying factors.

  Chapter 3: The Dark Side of Your Personality

  Dark psychology is also the analysis of the human condition, including its relation to the psychological nature of human beings who like to prey upon others. All human nature has the ability to victimize other humans and animals successfully.

  As such, although many restrain the tendency or character, some will take action upon their feelings and impulses.

  Dark psychology is a discipline that seeks to study the tendencies as well as the production of some rational and goal-oriented motivation based on the time.

  The 1 percent that remains under the dark psychology refers to the brutal victimization of other people without having a reasonably defined evolution of science as well as religious dogma. It’s evident that dark psychology is also related to various subjects and terminologies such as the arsonist who is an individual who is obsessed with fire setting.

  Such people will have developmental histories that have sexual as well as physical abuse.

  Common to these traits are individuals who also have been linked to serial killing and loners. Some of these people have few peers. They are also fascinated by fire as well as their methodologies of setting these fires. Also largely preoccupied with fire setting, fire setters often fantasize as well as fixating over how they can plan their schemes which are largely related to fire setting.

  They will set their targets on fire and experience some sexual arousal while proceeding with episodes of masturbation in order to please themselves and feel satisfied with their encounters with the fires.

  As such, these individuals also seek to have some pleasure in the long run. They will watch as they take turns while pleasuring themselves.

  This occurs in instances where there are groups of obsessed individuals. Over the years, it has been noted that such people have also been in a position to explore their psychological and pathological patterns, which include ritualistic patterns that serial arsonists have been involved in. As such, they feel proud of their actions. Thanatophilia, Necrologies, in addition to Necrophilia, are just some of the definitions that are appended to dark psychology in the segment of obsessed arsonists. These people exist.

  They have a major sexual attraction to dead bodies. The main point of diagnostic as well as a statistical manual of the mental illness founded and published by the American Research Psychiatric Association puts this type of character and personality as a preoccupation that has objects, situations, as well as individuals that are mainly not part of the normative stimulation.

  These people can easily cause distress as well as pressing issues that may end up affecting the people they are closely related with. It’s also clear that these people can cause distress to their societies.

  Therefore, a Necrophiles is a person who is sexually aroused by using an object, which in this case is a deceased person. Experts who have successfully compiled various profiles of Necrophiles have indicated that they have tremendous challenges when it comes to experiencing a certain capacity of intimacy with other people. For such individuals, sexual intimacy with dead bodies feels safer as well as more secure because they don’t have an emotional attachment with other people.

  As such, they have divulged their feelings to the dead in order to have some control over the universe. In the company of a deceased person, these people feel like they have a sense of control over something. Therefore, they end up taking some action in order to delight themselves. With that said also, these people lack the basis of self-control when interacting with real human beings. Necrophiles are also known for divulging during interviews since they have some feeling of control when it comes to connecting with actual humans. This, to them, often translates into an excellent feeling of control. As such, some sense of connection also becomes a secondary element to the initial need for control.

  The iPredator

  The iPredator is always known as a child. It could also be a grou
p of adults who engage in various psychological as well as physical victimization and theft as well as disparagement. They are always motivated by malice, spite, and peer pressure, in addition to criminal and deviant intent by the application of technological and telecommunication objects. iPredators are also known to be driven by deviant sexual fantasies and aggressive desire for control and retribution, religious fanaticism, in addition to political as well as psychological distortions.

  Personal, as well as monetary gains, also motivate them. These individuals can also be of any age as well as sex. Regardless of the persons they are, neither bound by the social-economic status or by their racial-national heritage, they can be from any society. With that said, such people are exposed to terrible societal character and they are also driven by the need to become overly obsessive in a way that can be harmful to others in the same society.

  In the next century, it’s going to be clear that such individuals, together with their characters of violence as well as theft and abuse will be international in terms of influencing the world of dark psychology. Therefore, they are likely to take over the world and impose their actions on other people in the long run. Just as suggested by dark psychology, these people are going to be a squashing epidemic of different societies. Other than that, they are also going to take over the remaining parts of the world as the main controllers who seek to interfere with any on-going projects that are being presented in different sectors of the world.

  They will also be at warfare with the remaining world. As the dark psychology chapter suggests, it’s going to be important and reasonable for such people to take over the world and control the main dockets that have an impact on the health care sector and other businesses. All criminals herein have deviant characters that need to be contained by the use of psychologist professionals. The offender may be a cyberstalker or a cyber harasser. It could also be a cybercriminal or an online sexual predator or terrorist who is looking for a prey. The person could also be a consumer or a distributor engaged in the online retail business. They fall within the category of an iPredator who will harm someone in the society.

  There are three main criteria of defining a person who is in this category, and they include a person with some element of self-awareness that forces them to cause harm to others. This could be directly as well as indirectly. It could also be a person that uses information technology in gaining viable information about someone and using the information to harm others in the long run. The person could also be an individual who seeks to have a general understanding of the cyber stealth and then to use it to stalk as well as engage a target in the form of a friend.

  The character can use the garnered information to delve into different activities that profile others while identifying them and locating a target. Unlike most human predators, before the information age, these iPredators highly rely on the use of multitude benefits and advantages provided by information technology to gain a platform where they can exchange information that seemingly defines their success in gaining access to viable data. As such, these individuals also seek to use the existing data to exchange current information that can guide them into accessing what they prefer to use in gaining information in the long run.

  Habitually, these individuals use their technological ability to reach to destroy the peace that humanity has sought to create in the world. They also use ICT in different abstracts to manipulate others online while taking notes about their whereabouts, including how to destroy their families. iPredators will attempt to create as well as sustain complete anonymity as they involve themselves in different ICT activities while planning their assault meeting.

  The team will hold a meeting to discuss and investigate the innovative surveillance technologies as well as researching the social profiles of their victims. Also concurrent with the known concept of Cyber Stealth, iPredator victims use their aptitude to target minors and adults. They can do so online and offline using their psychological weaknesses and technological surveillance and capabilities. This helps in increasing their chances of success, including criminal ramifications, and cyber-attack.

  The Necrophilia

  Necrophilia is also known as the necrophilism or necrolagnia. This is a sexual attraction involving dead bodies. It’s often classified as a prominent paraphilia by the American Psychiatric Association. In a research report by Rosman and Resnick, it was established that there were 34 cases of people who were obsessed with having sex with the deceased. These people reported the habitual desire to have sex with dead bodies in order to feel as if they were taking charge of something or someone. They resisted actual partners, reunions, or a romantic relationship with their significant other.

  They also sought self-esteem by indulging in such characters. In the long run, they were found to enjoy being with a homicide victim. This was a pretty sad state of affairs that led professionals to seek the help of well-established psychologists who can support the well being of different people in society who were at risk of associating with such individuals. While at it, these people liked to express their power over homicide victims. They were perceived as loners who have deep-seated forces that control their decision-making capabilities. As highlighted earlier in these chapters, the arsonist is well known for finding pleasure in being a serial killer. They found gratification from the fire setting processes.

  While these episodes of setting the fire seemed erroneously precarious, they also delved into the project to seek some enjoyment at that moment. It was later discussed that such people can definitely cause harm to other people. This implies that their objective is finding joy in harming others. For one serial arsonist, perhaps the big payoff is finding pride in the distorted perception of inflicting pain as well as bodily harm in others. As such, it has become important to address such issues in society.

  The character of the arsonist is highly reprehensible and precarious. However, typically, it does not involve any form of premeditated murder. These people often live within some comfort of internal obsession. Even though the train is not focused on causing a lot of pain to another person as well as victimizing them, the actions of these people are bizarre. They are also absent for some significant period of time when there’s no element of logic. The need for perceived control is also seen as insidious to the extent of developing a sexual connection with a corpse. The character of the arsonist is not only reprehensible but precarious in every way.

  It also does not entail premeditated murder. These people are just obsessed with killing. Therefore, they focus on subjecting others to pain. The serial killer, on the other hand, is referred to as an individual who murders more than three people over 30 days. During interviews with such individuals, it has been discovered that most of them tend to cool off after killing. The killer’s period of cooling off is directly appended to the fact that there’s a consistent refractory period in which they are certainly satiated with their demand and feelings to cause some pain to other people.

  In the process of killing, these people are usually in pursuit of achieving some gratification, which can only be found brutally in their world. After murdering, these people feel some sense of relaxation and release from a bondage that needed them to kill. They also feel some sense of gratification since they have now become wanton of the feeling as well as experience of releasing extra gratification. The term serial killings refer to a number of killings that have been committed in the US having common traits that may suggest there is a reasonable possibility that these crimes were committed by the same individual. Sexual assault, as well as rape, humiliation, and torture, are some of the issues involved during the course of these reported murders.

  As such, experts have admitted that other motivations besides anger, attention-seeking, and monetary gain, in addition to rage are some of the traits that accompany these killings. Eventually, serial killers will exhibit similar characteristics and patterns while seeking to cause harm to victims. These patterns can be used in assessing and evaluating their cha
racters and progress in the long run.

  Chapter 4: Inside the Minds of Controlling People

  Perhaps you have been wondering what makes people who are overly controlling tick? Well, these individuals seem to spend their time bossing others around. The character in bossing might range from direct as well as explicit imperatives. These individuals may say things such as I want that book dropped on my desk immediately. Others may utter words such as put more salt on the steak since it’ll taste great. Others may also command their friends as well as relatives to take up some classes in the belief that these individuals can become successful in their quest for a better life.

  In the long run, such individuals will be asked to delve into tasking projects that may end up helping them to be better persons. Sometimes if the other person objects, it may seem like they are unreasonable to some extent. With that said, what really separates such a person from that best friend from the bully? What’s the difference? As it turns out, the bullies, as well as besties, are slightly alike. They both want things to be done as they please. However, this is an ongoing process that helps in ensuring that the world perfectly matches internal ideas for everyone.

  With how people are going about their business, some may apply identical methods to attack issues. The businesses may also be approached in the same manner. However, when it comes to controlling and manipulating people, this is usually a psychological issue that is appended to the dark psychology and its secrets. Usually, the agenda for bullies is to involve other people in their actions. They majorly focus on other’s characters, especially when it comes to making them feel miserable about themselves.