Dark Psychology Secrets Read online

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  Enroll for a Public Speaking Class

  The acting classes are meant to make sure that you can master your emotions. It will also be possible to convince other people, and you will always have your way as a manipulator. The main reason why enrolling for a debate class is advisable is because you will be able to learn more about convincing other people. You will learn more about how to organize your thoughts in a better manner. Additionally, a public speaking class will also enlighten you more about how to sound convincing.

  Come Up With Similarities

  Manipulators always make sure that they have learned more about the body language of their target victims. They also look into the intonation patterns of their victims before they can proceed with the manipulation process. Eventually, the manipulators will come up with persuasive methods, and they will also appear calm.

  Being Charismatic

  The charismatic individuals always have a way of getting what they want. When manipulating people, you will have to ensure that you have worked on your charisma. You should also be able to smile, and your body language should also showcase that you are approachable, and that means that people can easily approach you and talk to you. You must also be able to initiate a conversation with any individual regardless of various factors such as age. Some of the techniques that you can utilize to become charismatic include:

  ▪Ensuring that people feel special

  The best way to achieve this is through maintaining eye contact while also conversing with a person. Make sure that you have also initiated a discussion about how they feel and the interests that they have. Always show them that you care and you want to learn more about them although you do not care at all.

  ▪Always maintain high levels of confidence

  Charismatic people are always passionate about everything that they do. It is also advisable to have confidence in yourself. When you give in to your needs, people can easily trust you.

  Learn from the Masters

  If you have a friend who happens to be a psychological manipulator, you should approach them and also take notes. Always carry out a case study and ensure that the manipulators are the main point of focus. It will be possible to learn a lot from them. Pay attention to how these individuals get what they want. They can also share some insight into how they manipulate people. The main issue is that you may end up being tricked, but you will gain some insight into how to manipulate people effectively.

  Learn More about How to Read People

  Each individual has a psychological and emotional makeup, and it always varies from one individual to another. When you learn about the psychological and emotional makeup of a person, it will be possible to manipulate them. For starters, make sure that you have learned more about the individual that you are going to manipulate. Make sure that you have understood them fully. By understanding your target, you can formulate an approach that will come about as suitable when it comes to manipulating them. Some of the things that you may notice as you try to understand people include:

  ▪Most of the people are vulnerable, and it is possible to reach out to them by evoking their emotional responses. For instance, some people may cry when watching a movie, and they may showcase some high levels of sympathy and empathy. To manipulate such individuals, make sure that you have joked around with their emotions while also pretending that you feel sorry and they will eventually give you what you want.

  ▪Other people usually have a strong sense of guilt. Most of the individuals who have a guilt reflex grew up in a household that was restrictive, and they may have been punished for every wrong deed that they may have committed. As for such people, always make sure that they feel guilty about various acts and they will give in to your demands at the end of it all.

  ▪Some people usually respond to approaches that are rational. For example, if you have a close friend who is always logical and they always keep up with the news, that means that they are always after information that is verifiable. In such an instance, always make sure that you have utilized your persuasive powers accordingly when manipulating them.

  Method 2 – Using Different Manipulation Techniques

  Impose an Unreasonable Request then Present a Reasonable One

  This is a technique that has proven to be very effective, and many manipulators often use it. It is also simple to use. Whenever you want to manipulate anyone, always come up with a request that is not reasonable. They will reject the unreasonable request, and in that instance, you should come up with a request that is reasonable. The request that you come up with should be appealing to the individual who is being targeted. The best example to use in such a case is when an employee may not accept an offer to arrive early at work, but they will voluntarily accept a request whereby they are supposed to come to work early to handle various urgent duties. The employee will prefer engaging in a short-term request since it is less cumbersome as compared to the long term request.

  Inspire Fear then Ensure That the Victim Has a Sense of Relief

  As a manipulator, the main fact is that you have a target, and you have also chosen our victims wisely. In this case, you should make sure that a victim’s worst fears have come to life. In the process, you will focus on ensuring that they have been relived and they will be happy enough to ensure that you have received what you were looking for. Such tricks might be mean, but they will ensure that you have gotten what you were looking for.

  The best example to use in this case is—assume that your friend has a car. Try to shock them by telling them that the car was producing some funny noises. You may go ahead and tell them that the engine might be dead. At that juncture, the individual will be in fear. After that, go ahead and inform them that you realized that the strange noise was being produced by the radio. They will be relieved. You should make sure that the intervals through which you provide this information vary. Since the individual may be relived, you may go ahead and ask for another favor such as you may borrow the car once again.

  Ensure That a Person Feels Guilty

  As a manipulator, another way of getting what you want is through ensuring that you have invoked guilt in a person. For starters, carry out an evaluation and learn more about how you may invoke some guilt in the victim. Ensure that the person feels bad for a variety of reasons.

  If you are targeting your parents, make sure that you have showcased that their parenting skills were wanting and that is why you are the way you are at the moment.

  If you need to invoke some form of guilt among one of your friends, make sure that you have enlightened them about the number of times that they have let you down.

  Bribe a person

  When you are after something, you may issue a bribe. In such an instance, you do not have to use tactics such as blackmail so that you may get what you are after. You can always issue a reward to someone but in the form of a bribe. Make sure that the bribe is enticing. First, make sure that you have learned more about the needs of the person. Also, do not disclose various forms of information, including the act that you are issuing a bribe.

  Pretend That You Are the Victim

  When you pretend that you are a victim, you will attract some sympathy. Also, make sure that you have not overdone the act and you will get what you are looking for at the end of it all. Victims always appear helpless, and that means that the target will appear vulnerable as they offer to help you. Always ensure that you are well-composed. Pretend to be dumb although you know what you are doing. Also, pretend to be pathetic and helpless.

  Use Logic

  Logic is important in some of the day-to-day activities that you engage in. Always ensure that you have come up with a list of reasons as to why you would benefit from the things that you are asking. Always present your case in a calm and rational manner. As you present your issues, make sure that you have displayed some emotions and you will always get what you want at the end of it all. Make sure that each of your requests is logical.

  Maintain the Character
  Depending on the method that you have used, make sure that you have displayed some emotions that could relate to your current scenario. You may appear worried or even upset, depending on the matter at hand. Once you admit that you have been using manipulative tactics, you will realize that as per my point of reasoning, I have not deviated far from the truth.

  Chapter 7: Dark Psychology – Persuasion Techniques

  When it comes to manipulation, people will always make decisions depending on how manipulative people have persuaded them. We will focus more on the common persuasion techniques that have been used over the years, and they include;

  ● Ultimate Terms

  There are some words that always seem persuasive as compared to others. The best example to use in this case is the words that people usually use during an argument. Most of these terms may seem charismatic. For example, people use the term God to showcase some form of attractiveness and positivity. The term devil will always showcase some negativity. As for the charismatic terms, they may include words such as “freedom.” Some of these words are used to sway people who have come together to accomplish a certain goal. It is also evident that some of these ultimate terms are quote appealing, although some may be unreliable.

  ● Talking Quickly

  The manner in which you deliver your words matters a lot. You may easily influence people by the way you talk. When you speak quickly, you may be persuasive to some extent. Also, when a person speaks quickly, it means that people have to be attentive so that they will not miss any details. Also, people cannot easily interrupt a person who speaks quickly during an argument. Although some problems may be present, the people will focus more on listening to what you have to say as they process every bit of information quickly. The audience that has gathered to listen to you deem you are knowledgeable and confident, which means that they regard you as a highly influential individual. It is easy to manipulate such people, and they may fail to realize what you are imposing upon them.

  ● Using the Right Body Language

  Although you may be appealing with word of mouth, you should also ensure that your body language is desirable. As you speak, people will also pay more attention to your body language. Always make sure that you are standing straight and you should be relaxed. Ensure that you have not showcased nay form of uneasiness.

  Additionally, it is advisable to make eye contact with your audience. Always make sure that you have exuded high levels of confidence and keep in mind that people will be observing your non-verbal cues. At the end of the address, you will leave an impression, and people will offer you their support depending on how you composed yourself.

  Ensuring There Is Repetition

  There are some instances whereby you might listen to a song, but you will not necessarily like it; however, after listening to the song over and over again, you will start to like it. As for the target audience, they may not be interested in what you have to say; however, if you ensure that there is repetition, they will express some interest in what you have to say.

  Psychological manipulation is also known as the practice of undue influence via mental distortion as well as emotional exploitation with the sole intention of seizing power and control, benefits, as well as privileges at the expense of victims. In this analysis, it’s vital to tell the main difference between healthy psychological influence as well as manipulation with the focus on understanding the subject in order to make use of the elements. Healthy social influence occurs in society among many individuals.

  It is also part of the constructive relationships that encourage the give as well as take practice. On the other hand, in psychological manipulation, one person is often used for the benefit of the other person. The person who manipulates the team is known to deliberately create a major imbalance in power while exploiting the vulnerable in order to serve their agenda.

  It’s vital to comprehend the tricks that manipulative individuals use in coercing others into doing what they need to be done. While this list is not exhaustive, there are important points that you should master in order to benefit in the long run. With that said, a manipulative individual can easily insist that you have a meeting and interact in a certain area where they can exercise control in order for you to be their subject.

  This may be the person’s office, car, or home. In these areas, the people feel dominant while you feel the need to run for a cover or security. In a different scenario, some people, such as the sales representatives can allow you to speak first in order for them to prospect you and analyze your prospective response prior to probing questions. The person will then delve into the creation of a baseline to think about your character and evaluate your strengths as well as weaknesses. The type of questioning in this scene is based on establishing if you have understood all the relevant questions and answers during the interaction.

  The panel may also want to know if you are a viable candidate for the position. You can rest assured that the person questioning you is well equipped with the right questions and answers to help you in understanding the scope of the business. As such, you should focus on exuding confidence.

  How to Manipulate Anyone in Your Life

  As a manipulator, you may develop different tendencies, including manipulating other people who are close to you in real life.

  Manipulate Your Friends

  When it comes to manipulating your friends, you might realize that it is a tricky situation. For starters, you will have to know your friends well enough before you put your manipulation skills to the test. You should not worry that much. It is still possible to make sure that your friends have submitted to your manipulation tactics. For starters, make sure that you have buttered your friend in case you need a favor within a few days. Always make sure that you have been nice while also doing some small favors. Ensure that you have told your friend about how good they are. The main point here is to make sure that you have done all it takes to become a “friend” without raising any suspicion.

  Utilize Your Emotions

  Your friends should be caring individuals; as a result, they will not want to see you upset. If you have any acting skills, make sure that you have used them accordingly to ensure that you will appear to be a very upset individual.

  Constantly Remind Your Friend about How Good They Are

  Always ensure that you remember the periods when you have always done some good things for the sake of your friend.

  Guilt-Trip Your Friends

  You do not have to utilize the “bad friend” card. Always mention someone casually and remind them about how they have let you down. Always make it sound like your friend is uncaring without going overboard.

  Manipulating Your Significant Other

  When it comes to manipulating your partner, such a task should not be so hard. The best way to manipulate your partner is by turning them on and asking them for favors eventually; that means that your partner cannot get what they want unless they have heeded to your demands. If you don’t want to use such a tactic, ensure that you have come up with different ways to manipulate your partner depending on what you know about them. The approach that you use should be effective. In most cases, make sure that you have made your request after lightening up the mood. You will always get that favor after reminding your partner about how good they are. The impression you use determines whether your manipulation techniques will subdue the target. Always make sure that you are deceptive and also swift. What matters most is ensuring that your image is still intact.

  Utilize Your Emotions

  Look into what your significant other would do when they realize that you are wallowing in sorrow. In most cases, your partner will ensure that they have reignited the happiness within you. If you are determined to solicit favor from your partner, make sure that you have utilized the waterworks approach in a public place. The best example to showcase the effectiveness of such an approach is—when a child tries to solicit favor from their parents in public, the parent will always give
in to the demands of the child. When using this technique, use it sparingly.

  Issue Small Bribes

  If you want a man to do you a favor such as taking you out on a dinner date or any other event, always issue a small bribe.

  Manipulating Your Boss

  Use the approaches that are logical and rational when dealing with your boss. When you have some personal problems, do not discuss them in front of your boss. Also, do not appear at your boss’s desk crying because of some personal issues. There is a high chance that you will be fired. When dealing with your boss, make sure that you are logical. Also, make sure that you have provided some good reasons regarding why you need some assistance from your boss. Make sure that you are a model worker. Such a technique will always work when you need to make a request. Also, make sure that you are working a bit late. Additionally, make sure that you are always happy and smiling whenever you are around your boss. You can also issue them some gifts in the morning.

  When soliciting a favor from your boss, make sure that you have done so in an offhand manner. Always make the request in a manner that is causal. For instance, approach your boss in the office and tell them that there is an important matter that you wanted to discuss with them. When your boss hears that, they will issue you their undivided attention, and they will enact on your favor at the end of the day.

  Try to ask for a favor at the end of the day. Do not engage your boss early in the morning. First, make sure that you have observed their mood. If they showcase that they are stressed, you could opt for another moment. If you want to approach your boss during a break, you can do so as they go to look for lunch. They will always grant all your requests, and they will not also argue with you.